New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Update: April 18th 2014

HELP!  We need 4 more volunteers to help with the Clean Up on April 26th

The joint Arbor Lodge/Kenton Clean Up helps both neighborhoods raise needed funds.  Arbor Lodge uses our share to pay for the MOVIE in the PARK.  This year it is August 17th, "Back to the Future".

If you can help, please e-mail  We need 2 folks between 9-12:15, and 2 between 12-3.  We'll feed you from Green Zebra's deli, share their coffee, and snack bars, you'll meet neighbors and have fun too..

Come join the fun and help Arbor Lodge pay for our BIG Party in August.  Thank you!