New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Coffee Hour and Crime Prevention: Two Events this Tuesday

Looks like tomorrow is two-fer Tuesday! At 10 am, join neighborhood moms and kids for neighborhood coffee hour at Cup, 7540 N Interstate. The coffee shop has a great basement area for kids to run around in and is glad to help bring neighbors together.

Later on, learn about resources and strategies for dealing with a recent spate of burglaries at the Kenton Precinct Station, 6:30pm.Our area's Crime Prevention Coordinator, Sara Hussein, will be on hand along with some Police to provide a training. Topics will include:

  • General overview of the City of Portland's Crime Prevention Program & how it works with the community and police

  • Overview of neighborhood watches & foot patrols. If a smaller group is interested in either of these, Sara can give a training to the smaller group in the near future.

  • How to detect and report suspicious activity

  • Logging suspicious activity

  • Calling 911 vs non-emergency